Art Camp

Little Witch Studio Art Camp

“You’re Welcome! You’re Welcome!” Ruby cried, stretching her arms wide to encompass OMSI’s darkened Orca Exhibit and the sea of kids engaged within. It was day 3 of this week’s art camp. Dallas was itchy for OMSI’s interactive science areas, Ruby at one with her imagined audience, and Kyle at one with Orca skeletons and… Continue reading Little Witch Studio Art Camp

LunarPunk · SolarPunk

Sneaky Peaky Witchy Itchy

Little Witch Studio is soft launching zer Whimsy Blog today, as a rare portal opens and the veil between hidden & visible drops during this Super Buck Moon on July 13 at the peak of Ursids meteor shower.Little Witch stepped through such a portal in 2015. Age Infinity8 now, LW is feeling very brave after completing… Continue reading Sneaky Peaky Witchy Itchy